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Please hold the following people in prayer:  

Jackie Scott a friend of Cathy Hershey and her neighbor Pauline and her family, Sharon Bristor sister of Susie Wagner, Aaron son of Linda Fowler, Sue Kraft's granddaughter Stella, Candy Barkan, Nancy Ramsey's son Ted,  Gene Urban, Patty Iams, Don the brother of Joyce Egan, Julie Robnett mother of Kim Kish, Lois Koehler a friend of Joyce Egan, Amy Brahler a coworker of Amy Popovich, Susie Wagner, Sherry Bristor sister of Susie Wagner, Art Bachman a friend of Jerry Weltlich, Barb Cain mother-in-law of Geoff Ketler, Jerry Fowler,.

     To keep our prayer list up to date, people are automatically removed after two weeks. You can add someone to the prayer list by contacting Cindy Lucas  at  or 330-844-2821.